TAMS II first started in June 2015 and is set to run until December 2020. This Scheme is co-funded by the EU and the National Exchequer under the Rural Development Programme (2014-2020) with a total allocation of over €395m throughout its duration.

TAMS II aims to provide farmers with grant aid to improve and/or build a specific range of farm buildings or purchase equipment that may benefit their farm businesses.

According to the Department of Agriculture, grant aid will only be paid on approved, complete and eligible expenditure. Under TAMS II, individual farmers can apply for grant aid of 40% on investments up to a ceiling of €80,000 – this is a maximum individual payment of €32,000.

Farmers who reach this grant aid ceiling are not eligible to apply for any of the other TAMS II schemes with the exception of the “LESS” scheme (Low Emissions Slurry Spreading). For farmers in a registered farm partnership with the Department of Agriculture, they can avail of grant aid to the value of €160,000. This applies to applications with two or more eligible partners.

Partnerships containing on qualifying young farmer, grant aid will be paid at 60% on the first €80,000 and 40% on the remaining balance.

Quinns view the TAMS II scheme as an excellent opportunity for customers to update and improve their current fencing and handling systems. This booklet should give a clear understanding of items which grant aid can be sought upon and purchased from Quinns.

This brochure gives an insight into some of the TAMS II approved products available at Quinns.

TAMS II Booklet

All information regarding application, terms & conditions and specifications can be researched on the Department of Agriculture website: https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemespayments/tams/