Grain Treatment

To boost the potential of your cereals!

  • Increase the proportion of farm cereals in the ration by up to 10 kg / d / animal with no risk of acidosis
  • Reduce purchases of nitrogen correctors and prepared feed (soybean and/or rapeseed cake)

ResultsXL Grain Results

Preparing the Mixture

XL GRAIN can be used to treat either whole or rolled cereals.

Application Rate:

20kg (1 bag)/Tonne for cereals. 1 tonne of XL Grain will treat 50 tonne of barley/wheat.

Grain Moisture:

Ideally 18-20% Moisture- If moisture is lower than 18-20%; add water at a rate of 10 Ltrs per percentage point below 18% moisture.
I.E. if grain is 15% moisture add 30 Ltrs of water per tonne of grain.
Product is safe to use up to 24% moisture.

Mixing time: 15 minutes

Storage under cover

  • Leave to work for 21 days (3 weeks) in airtight conditions and then uncover.
  • Can be stored for one year in a warehouse.

XL-Grain Results

Enhancing the Rations


  • If XL Grain has been applied to the whole grain, we advise the following before use:
    • coarsely rolling or grinding straw cereals
    • finely grinding corn grain
  • Reformlate the ration with your nutritionist, as the advised dose of treated cereals depends on the ration

Dose of treated cereal not to be exceeded per animal: 1.5-2kg/100kg live weight. Follow the expert’s recommendations.

For fattening cattle dry (no-silage) rations

Straw + XL cereals + minerals

XL Grain table

Dairy cows and heifers

Start with a half dose of 2kg/day.
Then increase to a complete dose over an eight day period.
You can increase to up to 6kg per animal depending on the ration. Ask your nutritionist for advice.

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